牛津入學面試題 第4條實在太難


發布時間: 2014/11/18 17:08

最後更新: 2015/05/06 12:28



(相片來源:Oxford University 官方Facebook)

美國商業新聞網站 Business Insider 最近公開了英國牛津大學部份入學面試題目,牛津大學這類傳統頂級學府,每年吸引千千萬萬名尖子爭住入讀,但是,即使成績優異,要在面試中突圍而出,也不是一件容易事!


1. Is it easier for organisms to live in the sea or on land? (生物在海洋或在陸地較易生存?)


2. What makes a short story different from a novel? (短篇故事跟小說有何分別?)


3. Imagine we had no records about the past at all, except everything to do with sport – how much of the past could we find out about? ( 除了體育運動紀錄外,如果我們過去沒有任何歷史紀錄,我們可以怎樣知道過去往事?)


4. Why do human beings have two eyes? (為何人類有2隻眼睛?)


5. Should poetry be difficult to understand? (詩詞本來就該是難以理解的嗎?)


6.  Is violence always political? Does 'political' mean something different in different contexts?(暴行與政治有關嗎?「政治」在不同環境下有其他意思嗎?)


7. Ladybirds are red. So are strawberries. Why? (甲蟲是紅色的,草莓也是。為什麼?)


8.  If the punishment for parking on double yellow lines were death, and therefore nobody did it, would that be a just and effective law? (幻想在雙黃線泊車的懲罰是死刑,因而沒人會這樣做,這會是一條公正與有效的法律嗎?)


9. Why do you think an English student might be interested in the fact that Coronation Street has been running for 50 years? (你認為英國學生對演出長達50年的肥皂劇《Coronation Street》大感興趣的原因是?)


(相片來源:《Coronation Street》官方Facebook)

10. What is 'normal' for humans? (人類的世界,什麼為之「正常」?)



11. Would it matter if tigers became extinct? (若老虎有一天絕種了,你認為重要嗎?)


12. If you could invent a new musical instrument, what kind of sound would it make? (現在要發明一種新樂器,你希望它會發出怎樣的聲音?)


13.  Here’s a cactus. Tell me about it. (這裡有一顆仙人掌,試闡述關於它的事情。)

